Unique Men in the Village At It works as a

{UNIQUE NEWS CENTER at home and abroad}
Give Asola Fatehpur village-has unique characteristics that have always attracted the attention of various media. Because the twin villages in the northern region of India that has residents with muscular body. Apparently it is because there are over the profession. What does he mean?

For hundreds of years the village Asola known expecti i dupi citizens of agricultural products. But now they've changed from poor farmers into a muscled men. Now 90 percent of male residents Asola totaling 50 thousand people work as a bodyguard in nightclubs in cities like New Delhi.

"In this village now none of the men were not the gym," said Vijay Pahelwan, a gym akhada aka head coach. "All men exercising. They very concerned about her. Nobody drinking alcohol and smoking."

Most men in Asola has been diving since he was a little wrestling with the hopes of the Olympics. But if that fails then they can still be a bodyguard or a bouncer. Young wrestler named Keshav Tewar example that spend time in the gym.

"Anything that will work when I get older, I'll be the bouncer," said Keshav. "Bouncer at the nightclub must have a stocky body and I need to keep him fit."

Being a bouncer is certainly also not easy. The young boy had to undergo physical training hard for 2-3 hours a day with a tractor or motorcycle lift and do yoga.

Most men and bodyguards The vegetarian diet so that the muscle can be large. Although a vegetarian diet but they are the same as eating a whole chicken, 10 eggs, a dozen bananas and 10 liters of milk.

Asola itself has received a job as a bouncer prevalent. This trend started work 15 years ago when there was a club owner offers huge money if 6 youth village that wants to be a bodyguard at a party. Now they could earn $ 25 every day and could continue to work as long as it has a strong body and without a criminal record.

"People often look at us as one," said Vijay. "They think we are criminals. Youths But who exercise every morning and evening to commit crimes. Fact, it can be trained to be nice to others.

