IDM 6.09 Build 2 Full Patch

{UNIQUE NEWS CENTER at home and abroad}

 IDM sudah melakukan update kembali, yakni versi IDM 6.09 Build 2 Full Patch. Buat yang belum di update, langsung aja di download.

What's new in version 6.09 build 2?

  • Added support for Firefox 11 and Firefox 12
  • Fixed a number of serious problems when downloading from youtube and other video streaming sites
  • Improved Advanced Browser Integration

Cara Aktivasi IDM 6.09 Build 2 Dengan Patch :

  1. Install IDM nya
  2. Ekstrak file patch, kemudian copy dan paste ke folder tempat anda menginstall IDM. Misal : C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager (untuk windows 64bit)
  3. Klik kanan file patch, run as administrator
  4. Selesai, kini IDM anda sudah full version.
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Download IDM 6.09 Build 2 Full Patch
